The founder of Azul de Metileno, Mexico is in the autistic spectrum. The founder started using methylene blue in his early 20’s. In his early childhood he tried every known medication for ASD. He and his family dealt with the terrible side effects of many pharmaceuticals marketed for ASD issues with no real benefits, only severe side effects.
On the second day of using methylene blue, the founder said many of his OCD issues were subsiding, his thought process was much clearer, and he no longer felt he had to live his life around his OCD issues. Methylene blue greatly improved his quality of life and we want to help all of you by sharing this valuable information and offering a high purity pharmaceutical grade product.
There is much data on this website, but there are also many other research papers available online, just search and learn. We wish you a healthy life.
Using low dose methylene blue as part of our daily health regimen is a valuable tool in our health span. Many of us feel we are healthy by consuming organic foods and exercising on a regular basis. A healthy diet and exercise is, of course, an excellent way to increase our life and health, but we are surrounded by poisons, on a daily basis, and this is something we have very little control over. Unfortunately, our planet is no longer our grandparents’ planet. Pesticides, plastics, and pollution are causing extreme damage to our cellular structure.
Usar azul de metileno como antioxidante mitocondrial es una forma de rejuvenecer las células dañadas. La razón por la que el azul de metileno no se discute ampliamente es porque no es patentable y es por eso que las compañías farmacéuticas no lo comercializarán por sus beneficios terapéuticos y nootrópicos. Los Institutos Nacionales de Salud (NIH) han publicado innumerables artículos revisados por pares sobre los beneficios del azul de metileno. Nuevamente , dado que el azul de metileno no es patentable, rara vez escuchamos algo sobre esta increíble "bala mágica azul" aprobada por la FDA.